How to Refine the Art of Focus and Mono-Tasking

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How to Refine the Art of Focus and Mono-Tasking

Any of this sound familiar?

I want to feel more focused, gain back more time, or have better systems in place.

Same feels and you’re definitely not alone.

So it got me thinking:

✨ More focus allows us to do things with more ease.

✨ More time gives us the balance, freedom and space to feel more at ease.

✨ And better systems create flow in our lives so we feel more focused and have more time.

All connected and kinda philosophical, isn’t it?

Now, before we get into mono-tasking, let’s look at to-do lists for a second.

Personally, I think of to-do lists as this constant, continuous facet in our lives and businesses.

Because the reality is… we’ll still have a to-do list even on the day we die.

Our to-do lists will live longer than we do—in limbo, forever unfinished 😱

I know it sounds morbid and possibly horrifying, but I feel relieved because either way, there will always be something to do.

Even when we think we’re done everything, our brains will start auto-magically searching for new items, tasks, activities or errands.

But when we know our lists will outlive us, it takes the pressure off from thinking we have to do it all, all the time.

So how do we get better at focusing and doing things with the time we have?

In my second year of going all-in with my business(es) I knew there was a vital piece I had to spend more time developing.

And you guessed it—it was figuring out my “ideal” systems, processes, tech, automations, routines and workflows.

But let’s be honest, there’s a lot to figure out and streamline 🤣

Sometimes it’s as simple as learning by doing—or learning what works best through the process of doing.

And sometimes, it’s well worth hiring someone to take the reins and do things for you, or to sit down with another pair of eyes to brainstorm, plan and come up with a new strategy (what we can do in 1:1 Empowered Ease together!)

For many of us who still wear all the hats and scarves, sometimes it comes down to minimizing distractions.

And I believe that’s the key to mono-tasking.

But what’s so great about it? What is it exactly?

Here’s the difference:

Multi-tasking: Doing more than one thing at a time, which feels efficient and time-saving, when in reality tasks may take longer to finish since our brains switch gears more often (leading to faster energy loss and brain drain).

Mono-tasking: Doing a single task with zero to little distractions so we can be fully present, get into a state of flow, optimize our time and energy, and ultimately get the one thing done faster.

Over the years, I realize I’ve started to move away from my youthful days of multi-tasking tendencies, in favour of a more aligned and intentional style of focus and doing (cue mono-tasking).

A few ways to get into the mono-tasking mood:

  • Limit the number of open tabs and windows.
  • Leave your phone in another room.
  • Turn off all non-essential notifications.
  • Install browser-blocking extensions.
  • Use Pomodoro timers.
  • Try time blocking your days.
  • Join coworking sessions for accountability (biweekly on Tuesdays in our Creative Compass community)

And let’s be real, none of these things are easy to do at first. Pomodoro timers and browser extensions don’t work for everyone either.

But when we find what does work, it’s easier to create the routines, habits, systems and states of flow that support our focus and productivity levels.

Do I still multi-task?

Sure, when it feels simple and easy (like cooking and washing the dishes, or eating a meal and watching a show).

But as someone who favours the simple moments, minimalist living, and taking the slow and scenic route as much as possible, there’s something about mono-tasking that makes the process of taking action feel more spacious too.

👉 On another note, having plenty of space, focus and time is a luxury and privilege that many folks don’t have yet.

I mean, we all know how it went down when Kim Kardashian said this:

“I have the best advice for women in business… Get your f—ing ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

Yeahhhh not so straightforward, right?

Sometimes, we’re forced to juggle all the things and all the emotions when we’d rather not of course, and that’s normal.

The world has changed faster than any of us could have imagined… and at the end of the day, we have to give ourselves more credit and compassion, no matter how much we did or didn’t get done.

So let’s all refine the art of focus to suite our current needs and circumstances.

And I hope we all lean into mono-tasking while doing what we can to limit the distractions around us ☀️

Sending you all healthy, happy vibes in this season of your life and business!

Until next time,

Portia ❤️️

P.S. Has 1-on-1 business coaching been on your mind for awhile? Book a pressure-free chat with me here and let’s see if we’re meant to make some magic together!

A quick note: This was originally shared with my Intentional Letters community in April 2022. I’m sharing it here on the blog too in case it inspires, encourages, and empowers you in your own creative journey. And if you’d like to receive more monthly intentional letters like these, sign up below! You’ll also get access to my “Reframe Your Mindset” workbook.

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